Sunday, April 1, 2007

Ca bulle

Ca bulle !!! In Moscow today.

Sunday the first of April and yes it is not a joke, I assisted to the first demonstration in Russia. On a sunny sunday afternoon, people are randomly gathering and are making saop bubble. The atmosphere is much different from the non authorized demonstration I assisted to yesterday, in front of the "FSB" (ex KGB) building against the beloved and actual President. I unfortunalty missed my camera this day and won t be able to show you the astonishing fight between the police and the strikers. When witnessing the fight, I tried to remenber the reason why, riot took place again in Paris at Gare du Nord: for the solidarity of a smuggler or maybe to get free nikies ? Probably both, only the French would be able to answer me.

Mais pourquoi est-il aussi mechant ?!!

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